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 go build -gcflags "-N -l" -o main main.go     ##为了找到程序入口,需要禁止内联、优化
gdb main
 (gdb) info files
Symbols from "/Users/wendongfang/work/gopath/golang-learning/runtime/proc/main".
Local exec file:
        `/Users/wendongfang/work/ go path/golang-learning/runtime/proc/main', file type mach-o-x86-64.
        Entry point: 0x105cc30
        0x0000000001001000 - 0x000000000109d033 is .text
        0x000000000109d040 - 0x00000000010ec1b5 is __TEXT.__rodata
        0x00000000010ec1c0 - 0x00000000010ec2e6 is __TEXT.__symbol_stub1
        0x00000000010ec300 - 0x00000000010ece18 is __TEXT.__typelink
        0x00000000010ece18 - 0x00000000010ece88 is __TEXT.__itablink
        0x00000000010ece88 - 0x00000000010ece88 is __TEXT.__gosymtab
        0x00000000010ecea0 - 0x0000000001165c23 is __TEXT.__gopclntab
        0x0000000001166000 - 0x0000000001166020 is __DATA.__go_buildinfo
        0x0000000001166020 - 0x00000000011661a8 is __DATA.__nl_symbol_ptr
        0x00000000011661c0 - 0x00000000011742e0 is __DATA.__noptrdata
        0x00000000011742e0 - 0x000000000117b030 is .data
        0x000000000117b040 - 0x00000000011a4ab0 is .bss
        0x00000000011a4ac0 - 0x00000000011a7188 is __DATA.__noptrbss
(gdb) b *0x105cc30
Breakpoint 1 at 0x105cc30
(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000105cc30 <_rt0_amd64_darwin>

找到对应的函数是 _rt0_amd64,对应的一段代码

 // set the per-goroutine and per-mach "registers"
LEAQruntime·g0(SB), CX
LEAQruntime·m0(SB), AX

// save m->g0 = g0
MOVQCX, m_g0(AX)
// save m0 to g0->m

CLD// convention is D is always left cleared

MOVL16(SP), AX// copy argc
MOVQ24(SP), AX// copy argv

// create a new goroutine to start program
MOVQ$runtime·mainPC(SB), AX// entry
PUSHQ$0// arg size

// start this M

CALLruntime·abort(SB)// mstart should never return
  • 1.初始m0,g0,调度器
  • 2.CALL runtime·newproc(SB) 启动g0
  • 3.init函数执行,gc开始,main函数执行开始
  func main() {
      g := getg() // 当前的g=g0
      g.m.g0.racectx = 0
      lockOSThread() // 锁住当前 线程 ,防止重复初始化main
      if g.m != &m0 {
          throw("runtime.main not on m0")
      doInit(&runtime_inittask) // 执行完所有package下的init函数
      if nanotime() == 0 {
          throw("nanotime returning zero")
      // Defer unlock so that runtime.Goexit during init does the unlock too.
      needUnlock := true
      defer func() {
          if needUnlock {
      // Record when the world started.
      runtimeInitTime = nanotime()
      gcenable() // 开启gc相关的goroutine
      if iscgo {
          // cgo需要额外处理

      // 用户编写的main函数,在此处开始执行
      fn := main_main // make an indirect call, as the linker doesn't know the address of the main package when laying down the runtime
      for {
          var x *int32
          *x = 0


go的进程里最开始启动了m0,g0,main函数由g0,m0来执行的,gc由新的g并发执行, 程序运行时会不断的通过newproc启动新的g


图中的m为物理线程,p为调度者,g为逻辑执行的协程。m上面控制着系统资源(内存,cpu),每个m会绑定一个p用来调度G,每个p有一个local队列,按照顺序执行队列里的G。 local队列的G执行完了之后会从全局队列获取G来执行,如果全局队列空了会从其它p的local队列steal G执行。通过这样的调度方式来充分利用系统资源。 另外,网络轮询器发现有IO事件时会唤醒G,放进waiting队列中等待p执行。


 GODEBUG=schedtrace=1000 go run examples/main.go
 SCHED 0ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=5 threads=5 spinningthreads=1 idlethreads=0 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 0ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=7 threads=5 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 1004ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 1007ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=41 [45 1 1 1 1 1 0 1]
SCHED 2007ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 2010ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=62 [1 5 5 3 4 4 4 4]
SCHED 3014ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 3012ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=64 [4 3 2 2 5 4 4 4]
SCHED 4017ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 4016ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=73 [3 2 4 3 2 2 2 1]
SCHED 5021ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 5021ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=78 [0 1 2 3 3 1 3 1]
SCHED 6032ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 6031ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=87 [1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0]
SCHED 7033ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 7040ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=55 [0 9 2 1 8 10 7 0]
SCHED 8039ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 8048ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=47 [6 6 5 5 6 7 5 5]
SCHED 9045ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 9055ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=55 [4 4 5 6 0 7 6 5]
SCHED 10045ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 10064ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=61 [3 1 7 2 4 5 3 6]
SCHED 11047ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 11073ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=73 [2 2 2 2 1 2 5 3]
SCHED 12051ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 12076ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=59 [1 1 11 0 0 3 8 9]
SCHED 13055ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 13076ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=49 [0 8 0 9 9 2 8 7]
SCHED 14059ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 14079ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=41 [8 6 9 5 5 6 8 4]
SCHED 15071ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 15087ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=53 [8 5 3 5 4 6 3 5]
SCHED 16073ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 16094ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=53 [5 5 6 5 4 4 5 5]
SCHED 17076ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 17105ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=62 [2 5 3 3 4 6 4 3]
SCHED 18078ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 18106ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=71 [2 1 5 3 1 4 3 2]
SCHED 19088ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 19117ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=57 [3 0 8 1 3 9 10 1]
SCHED 20093ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 20128ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=63 [1 0 9 0 0 11 0 8]
SCHED 21094ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 21130ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=50 [7 8 7 1 6 5 1 7]
SCHED 22103ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 22139ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=48 [6 7 0 6 7 7 5 6]
SCHED 23111ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 23147ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=46 [6 6 7 7 5 5 6 4]
SCHED 24120ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 24148ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=58 [0 7 5 7 4 4 4 3]
SCHED 25126ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 25158ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=52 [7 5 3 3 8 5 5 4]
SCHED 26138ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 26160ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=64 [6 3 3 2 4 4 3 3]
SCHED 27147ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 27164ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=69 [2 3 2 2 2 4 5 3]
SCHED 28151ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 28167ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=68 [4 3 2 4 1 2 3 5]
SCHED 29156ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 29168ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=72 [2 5 3 1 3 3 1 2]
SCHED 30160ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 30170ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=60 [10 0 9 1 8 0 3 1]
SCHED 31167ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 31173ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=54 [0 8 7 0 7 8 0 8]
SCHED 32171ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 32178ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=55 [0 6 7 6 0 5 6 7]
SCHED 33178ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 33189ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=59 [5 4 3 5 4 4 3 5]
SCHED 34187ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 34190ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=67 [3 3 3 2 3 4 4 3]
SCHED 35191ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 35191ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=75 [4 2 1 1 3 3 2 1]
SCHED 36203ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 36195ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=81 [2 1 2 0 2 1 0 3]
SCHED 37206ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 37195ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=63 [11 9 1 0 0 0 0 8]
SCHED 38215ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 38197ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=48 [0 11 8 8 7 0 1 9]
SCHED 39223ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 39205ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=54 [7 0 7 8 8 0 8 0]
SCHED 40225ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 40206ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=52 [6 7 4 8 6 5 0 4]
SCHED 41230ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 41213ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=60 [4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5]
SCHED 42233ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 42218ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=64 [3 4 2 3 4 4 3 5]
SCHED 43235ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 43229ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=76 [5 2 2 3 1 1 1 1]
SCHED 44241ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 44239ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=62 [8 11 1 0 0 1 9 0]
SCHED 45252ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 45244ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=42 [7 11 8 8 0 6 10 0]
SCHED 46255ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 46249ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=36 [8 9 6 5 6 7 10 5]
SCHED 47260ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 47254ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=54 [5 4 5 6 5 4 5 4]
SCHED 48261ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 48255ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=61 [5 3 5 4 3 2 4 5]
SCHED 49265ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 49264ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=55 [5 7 5 3 4 7 3 3]
SCHED 50270ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 50273ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=62 [3 4 3 3 5 4 4 4]
SCHED 51276ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 51278ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=66 [2 3 4 8 4 0 4 1]
SCHED 52280ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 52282ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=75 [3 0 1 1 2 0 0 10]
SCHED 53290ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 53283ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=80 [0 0 11 0 0 0 0 1]
SCHED 54291ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 54283ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=56 [1 7 7 6 7 0 8 0]
SCHED 55292ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 55289ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=54 [4 5 6 4 7 6 6 0]
SCHED 56296ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 56300ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=68 [3 5 3 3 3 2 2 3]
SCHED 57304ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 57307ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=71 [2 1 0 1 2 3 10 2]
SCHED 58312ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 58312ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=66 [10 0 9 1 2 3 1 0]
SCHED 59320ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 59323ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=44 [7 8 6 7 6 0 7 7]
SCHED 60322ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 60330ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=53 [5 6 5 7 5 5 6 0]
SCHED 61335ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 61340ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=55 [5 5 4 5 3 5 6 4]
SCHED 62340ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 62345ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=65 [2 3 2 4 4 4 3 5]
SCHED 63343ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 63347ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=64 [0 1 2 2 10 2 2 9]
SCHED 64350ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 64347ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=44 [6 6 6 7 8 9 6 0]
SCHED 65356ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 65352ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=45 [5 7 6 7 4 6 4 8]
SCHED 66367ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 66353ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=59 [5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3]
SCHED 67373ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 67354ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=65 [3 2 5 3 3 3 3 5]
SCHED 68383ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 68354ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=74 [3 2 3 2 4 2 1 1]
SCHED 69386ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 69360ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=71 [1 1 0 9 9 1 0 0]
SCHED 70395ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 70365ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=52 [0 6 5 5 6 7 6 5]
SCHED 71398ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 71373ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=53 [5 6 6 5 7 5 0 5]
SCHED 72404ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 72380ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=49 [5 6 5 6 4 5 4 8]
SCHED 73404ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 73387ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=61 [3 2 2 4 4 6 7 2]
SCHED 74414ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 74395ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=79 [1 4 0 4 0 0 2 1]
SCHED 75422ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 75400ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=39 [7 7 7 6 5 7 0 6]
SCHED 76426ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 76405ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=64 [9 1 1 0 0 1 0 0]
SCHED 77427ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 77410ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=54 [0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0]
SCHED 78430ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
SCHED 78418ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=23 [3 0 2 3 3 0 2 2]
SCHED 79437ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
  • sched:每一行都代表调度器的调试信息,后面提示的毫秒数表示启动到现在的运行时间,输出的时间间隔受 schedtrace 的值影响。
  • gomaxprocs:当前的 CPU 核心数(GOMAXPROCS 的当前值)。
  • idleprocs:空闲的处理器数量,后面的数字表示当前的空闲数量。
  • threads:OS 线程数量,后面的数字表示当前正在运行的线程数量。
  • spinningthreads:自旋状态的 OS 线程数量。
  • idlethreads:空闲的线程数量。
  • runqueue:全局队列中中的 Goroutine 数量,而后面的 [6 7 0 6 7 7 5 6] 则分别代表着 8 个 P 的本地队列正在运行的 Goroutine 数量。

机器cpu=8,开100个协程跑起,观察GMP数量变化,可以发现正在运行的m的数量最多时才13个。 全局队列长度和本地队列的长度一直在动态变化,维持平衡,保证每个m都在干活,不会空置。


  GODEBUG=scheddetail=1,schedtrace=1000 go run examples/main.go
 SCHED 2015ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=8 threads=12 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=5 runqueue=0 gcwaiting=0 nmidlelocked=1 stopwait=0 sysmonwait=0
  P0: status=0 schedtick=316 syscalltick=1728 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P1: status=0 schedtick=707 syscalltick=81 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P2: status=0 schedtick=61 syscalltick=2789 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=4 timerslen=0
  P3: status=0 schedtick=63 syscalltick=776 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=5 timerslen=0
  P4: status=0 schedtick=9 syscalltick=112 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=1 timerslen=0
  P5: status=0 schedtick=56 syscalltick=815 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=2 timerslen=0
  P6: status=0 schedtick=13 syscalltick=157 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=2 timerslen=0
  P7: status=0 schedtick=8 syscalltick=557 m=-1 runqsize=0 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  M11: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=true lockedg=-1
  M10: p=-1 curg=55 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M9: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=true lockedg=-1
  M8: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M7: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=true lockedg=-1
  M6: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=true lockedg=-1
  M5: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=true lockedg=-1
  M4: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=true lockedg=-1
  M3: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=true lockedg=56
  M2: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=1 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M1: p=-1 curg=17 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=17
  M0: p=-1 curg=12 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  G1: status=4(semacquire) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G17: status=6() m=1 lockedm=1
  G2: status=4(force gc (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G3: status=4(GC sweep wait) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G4: status=4(GC scavenge wait) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G18: status=4(finalizer wait) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G34: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G5: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G6: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G7: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G35: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G8: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G19: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G36: status=4(GC worker (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G9: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G10: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G11: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G12: status=3(chan send) m=0 lockedm=-1
  G13: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G14: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G15: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G16: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G50: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G51: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
   G55 : status=3() m=10 lockedm=-1 // 正在进行syscall,绑定在M10执行
  G67: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G53: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G83: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G98: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G100: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G52: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G38: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G68: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G69: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G101: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G39: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G40: status=6() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G56: status=4(select) m=-1 lockedm=3
  G57: status=4(chan receive) m=-1 lockedm=-1

SCHED 2019ms: gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=9 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=0 runqueue=43 gcwaiting=0 nmidlelocked=0 stopwait=0 sysmonwait=0
  P0: status=1 schedtick=91 syscalltick=0 m=0 runqsize=7 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0 // 绑定在M0上,本地队列长度为7
  P1: status=1 schedtick=90 syscalltick=0 m=3 runqsize=7 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P2: status=1 schedtick=89 syscalltick=0 m=2 runqsize=6 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P3: status=1 schedtick=89 syscalltick=0 m=4 runqsize=7 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P4: status=1 schedtick=88 syscalltick=0 m=5 runqsize=7 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P5: status=1 schedtick=88 syscalltick=0 m=6 runqsize=6 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P6: status=1 schedtick=88 syscalltick=0 m=7 runqsize=8 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  P7: status=1 schedtick=88 syscalltick=0 m=8 runqsize=1 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0
  M8: p=7 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=1 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M7: p=6 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=1 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M6: p=5 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=1 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M5: p=4 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=1 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M4: p=3 curg=10 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M3: p=1 curg=72 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M2: p=2 curg=94 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M1: p=-1 curg=-1 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=1 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  M0: p=0 curg=38 mallocing=0 throwing=0 preemptoff= locks=0 dying=0 spinning=false blocked=false lockedg=-1
  G1: status=4(semacquire) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G2: status=4(force gc (idle)) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G3: status=4(GC sweep wait) m=-1 lockedm=-1 // GC等待
  G4: status=4(GC scavenge wait) m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G5: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G6: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G7: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G8: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G9: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G10: status=2() m=4 lockedm=-1
  G11: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G12: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G13: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G14: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G15: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G16: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G17: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G18: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G19: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G20: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G21: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G22: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G23: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G24: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G25: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G26: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G27: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G28: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G29: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G30: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G31: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G32: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G33: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G34: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G35: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G36: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G37: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G38: status=2() m=0 lockedm=-1
  G39: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G40: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G41: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G42: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G43: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G44: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G45: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G46: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G47: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G48: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G49: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G50: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G51: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G52: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G53: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G54: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G55: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G56: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G57: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G58: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G59: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G60: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G61: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G62: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G63: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G64: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G65: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G66: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G67: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G68: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G69: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G70: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G71: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G72: status=2() m=3 lockedm=-1
  G73: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G74: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G75: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G76: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G77: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G78: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G79: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G80: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G81: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G82: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G83: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G84: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G85: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G86: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G87: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G88: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G89: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G90: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G91: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G92: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G93: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G94: status=2() m=2 lockedm=-1
  G95: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G96: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G97: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G98: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G99: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G100: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G101: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G102: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G103: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1
  G104: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1 // 在队列中,不会绑定m,等待p执行



可以看得出来很多G处于waiting状态,包括负责GC的G。有一些G处于syscall状态,在指定的m上执行,没有绑定p。 有些G处于running状态,会有绑定的p和m。有些G处于runnable状态,在队列中,此时不会绑定m

 G3: status=4(GC sweep wait) m=-1 lockedm=-1 // GC等待,没有绑定m
G55: status=3() m=10 lockedm=-1 // 正在进行syscall,绑定在M10执行
P0: status=1 schedtick=91 syscalltick=0 m=0 runqsize=7 gfreecnt=0 timerslen=0 // 绑定在M0上,本地队列长度为7
G104: status=1() m=-1 lockedm=-1 // 在队列中,不会绑定m,等待p执行




关于作者: 智云科技

