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Go -race是啥? atomic解决了啥


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demo (race 到底是什么)

下面这个demo就是一个常见的 懒汉式单例模式,依靠go的共享变量不需要担心可见性的问题。

package mainimport (	"fmt"	"os"	"strconv"	"time")var config map[string]stringfunc main() {	count, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])	for x := 0; x < count; x++ {		go getConfig()	}	<-time.After(time.Second)}func getConfig() map[string]string {	if config == nil {    fmt.Println("init config")		config = map[string]string{}		return config	}	return config}复制代码

执行go run -race demo.go 100

sgcx015@172-15-68-151:~/go/code/com.anthony.http % go run -race cmd/once_demo.go 100init config // load==================WARNING: DATA RACEinit config //loadWrite at 0x0000012109c0 by goroutine 7: // g7在22行写  main.getConfig()      /Users/sgcx015/go/code/com.anthony.http/cmd/once_demo.go:22 +0xd2Previous read at 0x0000012109c0 by goroutine 8: //g8在20行读 (race)  main.getConfig()      /Users/sgcx015/go/code/com.anthony.http/cmd/once_demo.go:20 +0x3eGoroutine 7 (running) created at:// 这些无效信息  main.main()      /Users/sgcx015/go/code/com.anthony.http/cmd/once_demo.go:15 +0xaeGoroutine 8 (running) created at:  main.main()      /Users/sgcx015/go/code/com.anthony.http/cmd/once_demo.go:15 +0xae==================Found 1 data race(s)exit status 66复制代码


​ 这里总结一下,race触发的条件不是 同时写,而是读写同时发生,这个问题很严重,严重在哪呢,其实看一下tomic.Value就知道了,计算机64位的,8个字节,对于32位的机器,回去读两次。可能会出现一种情况是 a入32位字节,此时b读取了32位。然后a继续写入32位,此时发生的问题,就是读写不一致。所以atomic解决了这个问题。



func getConfig() map[string]string {	if config == nil {		lock.Lock()		defer lock.Unlock()		if config != nil {			return config		}		config = map[string]string{}		fmt.Println("init config")		return config	}	return config}复制代码


sgcx015@172-15-68-151:~/go/code/com.anthony.http % go run -race cmd/once_demo.go 100init config //加载一次==================WARNING: DATA RACERead at 0x0000012109c0 by goroutine 8:  main.getConfig()      /Users/sgcx015/go/code/com.anthony.http/cmd/once_demo.go:24 +0x5bPrevious write at 0x0000012109c0 by goroutine 7:  main.getConfig()      /Users/sgcx015/go/code/com.anthony.http/cmd/once_demo.go:30 +0xeb==================Found 1 data race(s)复制代码


import (	"fmt"	"os"	"strconv"	"sync/atomic"	"time")var config atomic.Valuefunc main() {	count, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])	for x := 0; x < count; x++ {		go getConfig()	}	<-time.After(time.Second * 2)}func getConfig() map[string]string {	if config.Load() == nil {		fmt.Println("init config")		config.Store(map[string]string{})		return config.Load().(map[string]string)	}	return config.Load().(map[string]string)}复制代码

执行: 发现确实没有竞争,原因很简单,就是atomic原子操作。然后load了两次

~/go/code/com.anthony.http % go run -race cmd/demo.go 1000init configinit config复制代码


// A Value must not be copied after first use.(copy ,而不是指针传递,后面可以看一下实现)type Value struct {	v interface{}}复制代码

// load源码

func (v *Value) Load() (x interface{}) {  // 首先转换成了一个标准的interface{}指针(完整的地址长度)  // v 的data是一个地址  // v 的type是一个标志符^uintptr(0),表示是否插入成功	vp := (*ifaceWords)(unsafe.Pointer(v))  // 原子加载类型地址	typ := LoadPointer(&vp.typ)  // 空是没有存, uintptr(typ) == ^uintptr(0)是表示没有存储完成(中间态,其实我感觉就是个乐观锁)	if typ == nil || uintptr(typ) == ^uintptr(0) {		// First store not yet completed.// 第一次加载还没有完成。(需要看store的源码)		return nil	}  // 原子加载值的数据	data := LoadPointer(&vp.data)	xp := (*ifaceWords)(unsafe.Pointer(&x))	xp.typ = typ	xp.data = data	return}复制代码

// store源码

// Store sets the value of the Value to x.// All calls to Store for a given Value must use values of the same concrete type.// Store of an inconsistent type panics, as does Store(nil).func (v *Value) Store(x interface{}) {	if x == nil {		panic("sync/atomic: store of nil value into Value")	}	vp := (*ifaceWords)(unsafe.Pointer(v))	xp := (*ifaceWords)(unsafe.Pointer(&x))	for {		typ := LoadPointer(&vp.typ)		if typ == nil {			// Attempt to start first store.			// Disable preemption so that other goroutines can use			// active spin wait to wait for completion; and so that			// GC does not see the fake type accidentally.      // 禁止抢占(其实gorouting的内部调度是抢占模式)//这个不理解,它的解释是为了防止GC回收掉			runtime_procPin()      // atomic赋值,失败继续赋值(也就是type确定了一定成功赋值了)			if !CompareAndSwapPointer(&vp.typ, nil, unsafe.Pointer(^uintptr(0))) {				runtime_procUnpin()				continue			}			// Complete first store.      // 完成替换。所以^uintptr(0)这个就是一个记号,区分开nil,属于一个存储中间态			StorePointer(&vp.data, xp.data)			StorePointer(&vp.typ, xp.typ)      //			runtime_procUnpin()			return		}		if uintptr(typ) == ^uintptr(0) {			// First store in progress. Wait.			// Since we disable preemption around the first store,			// we can wait with active spinning.			continue		}		// First store completed. Check type and overwrite data.		if typ != xp.typ {			panic("sync/atomic: store of inconsistently typed value into Value")		}    // 这里就确定了,存储了一种类型,这个永远只能存储一个类型。		StorePointer(&vp.data, xp.data)		return	}}复制代码

// 其他需要掌握的地方

// ifaceWords is interface{} internal representation.type ifaceWords struct {	typ  unsafe.Pointer	data unsafe.Pointer}复制代码
// LoadPointer atomically loads *addr. (原子的加载地址)func LoadPointer(addr *unsafe.Pointer) (val unsafe.Pointer)复制代码


1、race 和 单例没有关系,也检测不出来。

2、race 只是解决读写不一致的现场,出现同时读写的现象。


文章标题:Go -race是啥? atomic解决了啥


关于作者: 智云科技

