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摘 要

21世纪的今天,随着社会的不断发展与进步,人们对于信息科学化的认识,已由低层次向高层次发展,由原来的感性认识向 理性认识 提高,管理工作的重要性已逐渐被人们所认识,科学化的管理,使信息存储达到准确、快速、完善,并能提高工作管理效率,促进其发展。


本文以 Java 为开发技术,实现了一个网络考试系统。网络考试系统的主要实现功能包括:管理员:首页、个人中心、学生管理、 教师管理 、发布问题管理、在线答疑管理、在线学习管理、试卷管理、试题管理、论坛交流、系统管理、考试管理,教师;首页、个人中心、发布问题管理、在线答疑管理、试卷管理、试题管理、考试管理,学生;首页、个人中心、发布问题管理、在线答疑管理、我的收藏管理、考试管理,前台首页;首页、在线学习、论坛交流、试卷列表、系统公告、个人中心、后台管理功能,基本上实现了整个网络考试系统的过程。

具体在系统设计上,采用了B/S的结构,同时,也使用Java技术在动态页面上进行了设计,后台上采用 MySQL 数据库,是一个非常优秀的网络考试系统。

关键词 :网络考试系统;Java技术; Mysql 数据库;B/S结构 SSM框架


Today in the 21st century, with the continuous development and progress of society, people’s understanding of information science has developed from low level to high level, from the original perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, and the importance of management has been gradually recognized by people. Scientific management can make information storage accurate, fast and perfect, improve the efficiency of work management, and promote its development development.

This paper mainly introduces the online examination system, including the current situation of the research, and the development background involved, and then discusses the design objectives of the system, the requirements of the system, as well as the whole design scheme. The design and implementation of the system are also discussed in detail. Finally, some specific tests are carried out on the online examination system.

This paper implements an online examination system based on Java. The main functions of online examination system include: Administrator: home page, personal center, student management, teacher management, issue question management, online question management, online learning management, paper management, question management, forum communication, system management, examination management, teacher; home page , personal center, issue question management, online question management, paper management, question management Management, examination management, students; home page, personal center, issue question management, online answering management, my collection management, examination management, front page; home page, online learning, forum communication, test paper list, system announcement, personal center, background management function, basically realize the whole process of online examination system.

Specifically in the system design, using the B / S structure, at the same time, also using Java technology in the dynamic page design, the backstage using MySQL database, is a very excellent online examination system.

Key words: online examination system; Java technology; MySQL database; B / S structure SSM framework

目 录

1 概述 1

1.1课题背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本课题主要工作 2

2 系统 开发环境 3

2.1 Java技术 3

2.2 Mysql数据库 3

2.3 B/S结构 4

2.4 SSM框架 4

3 系统分析 5

3.1 可行性分析 5

3.1.1 技术可行性 5

3.1.2操作可行性 5

3.1.3 经济可行性 5

3.1.4 法律可行性 6

3.2系统流程分析 6

3.2.1系统开发流程 6

3.2.2 用户登录流程 7

3.2.3 系统操作流程 7

3.2.4 添加信息流程 8

3.2.5 修改信息流程 9

3.2.6 删除信息流程 9

3.3系统用例分析 10

3.3.1管理员用例图 10

3.3.2学生用例图 11

3.3.3教师用例图 11

4 系统设计 13

4.1 系统概述 13

4.2 系统结构设计 13

4.3数据库设计 14

4.3.1 数据库设计原则 14

4.3.2 数据库实体 14

4.3.3 数据库表设计 16

5系统界面实现 18

5.1 登录 18

5.2 管理员功能模块 18

5.3 前台首页功能模块 22

5.4 学生功能模块 22

5.5 教师功能模块 22

6系统测试 23

6.1 系统测试 的意义 23

6.2 测试方法 24

6.3测试分析 24

结 论 25

致 谢 26

参考文献 27




关于作者: 智云科技

