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 --##########定义课程分享量存储过程######################delimiter $$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS statisCourseShareCount;CREATE PROCEDURE statisCourseShareCount(IN day varchar(32),IN month varchar(32))	BEGIN		DECLARE d BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;		DECLARE course_id_value BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE t_count_value BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE search_table varchar(200);		DECLARE param varchar(200);		DECLARE existsFlat int default 0;		DECLARE ownerMemberId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpShopId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpCategoryId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpCategoryPath VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '';		DECLARE tmpSubjectId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpCourseType INT(10) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpClassId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpGradeId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpGradePath varchar(100) DEFAULT '';		DECLARE paperCount INT(10) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE share_count_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM course_share_count_view;		DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET d = TRUE;		SET search_table = CONCAT('youke_course_share_',month);		SET param = CONCAT("'",day,"'");		SET @cursor_sql = CONCAT('CREATE VIEW course_share_count_view as select course_id,count(id) as t_count from ',search_table,' where DATE(create_date) = ',param,' group by course_id');		select @cursor_sql;		PREPARE stmt from @cursor_sql;		EXECUTE stmt;		DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;				OPEN share_count_cursor;		read_loop: LOOP			FETCH share_count_cursor INTO course_id_value,t_count_value;			IF d THEN					LEAVE read_loop;			ELSE					SET existsFlat = 0;					select count(id) into existsFlat from youke_statis_course_summary where course_id = course_id_value LIMIT 1;					IF existsFlat > 0 THEN						UPDATE youke_statis_course_summary set share_count = share_count + t_count_value where course_id = course_id_value;					ELSE 						SET paperCount = 0;						select OwerID,ShopId,CategoryId,CategoryPath,CourseType into ownerMemberId,tmpShopId,tmpCategoryId,tmpCategoryPath,tmpCourseType from himall_products where Id = course_id_value;						select Id,CategoryId,CategoryPath into tmpClassId,tmpGradeId,tmpGradePath from himall_grades where MemberId = ownerMemberId;						IF tmpCourseType = 1 THEN							select count(Id) into paperCount from himall_paperlist where ProductId = course_id_value and `Delete` = 0;						END IF;						INSERT INTO youke_statis_course_summary(course_id,owner_member_id,shop_id,category_id,category_path,subject_id,course_type,class_id,grade_id,grade_path,share_count,paper_count) 						values(course_id_value,ownerMemberId,tmpShopId,tmpCategoryId,tmpCategoryPath,statisSplit(tmpCategoryPath,'|',2),tmpCourseType,tmpClassId,tmpGradeId,tmpGradePath,t_count_value,paperCount);					END IF;							END IF;		END LOOP;		CLOSE share_count_cursor;		DROP VIEW course_share_count_view;	END; $$  


delimiter的作用是改变执行语句的分号,比如delimiter $$,那么创建语句就是以$$为结尾构成一句完整的创建语句,而不是遇到分号就自动结束了。

2.删除存储过程,创建存储过程,IN,OUT, INOUT参数





CREATE PROCEDURE myProcedure(IN param1 varchar(32),IN param2 varchar(32))





Call myProcedure(‘参数1’,’参数2’);


CREATE PROCEDURE myProcedure(IN input varchar(32),OUT output varchar(32))





set @myOutput=’我的输出’;

call myProcedure(‘我的输入’,@myOutput);




set @myInout=’我的输入输出’;

Call myProcedure(@myInout);








set tname =‘XXX’;



set a=’XXX’;



B) set



set @aa=’XXX’;

C) select



select @var=cnm FROM tbnm;


set @var=(select cnm FROM tbnm);

select @var=cnm FROM tbnm;




  1. 声明一个对象存储动态表名

DECLARE comment_report_table VARCHAR(50);


SET comment_report_table = CONCAT(“youke_comment_report_”,month);


 SET @commentReportTableSQL = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ',comment_report_table," (`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`owner_shop_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0',`target_type` int(10) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1:课程,2:资源',`target_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '目标id',`owner_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0',`member_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0',`good_comment` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否好评',`comment_score` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '评分',`create_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=0 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;");PREPARE temp FROM @commentReportTableSQL;EXECUTE temp;  





WHILE循环在每次迭代开始时检查表达式。 如果expression为TRUE, MySQL 将执行WHILE和END WHILE之间的语句,直到expression为FALSE。 WHILE循环称为预先测试条件循环,因为它总是在执行前检查语句的表达式。











 CREATE PROCEDURE test_mysql_loop() BEGIN DECLARE x  INT;        DECLARE str  VARCHAR(255); SET x = 1;        SET str =  ''; loop_label:  LOOP IF  x > 10 THEN  LEAVE  loop_label; END  IF; SET  x = x + 1; IF (x mod 2) THEN     ITERATE  loop_label; ELSE    SET  str = CONCAT(str,x,','); END IF;    END LOOP;        SELECT str;END;游标的语法如下:DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS text5;CREATE PROCEDURE text5()  BEGIN    DECLARE d BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;    DECLARE n INT;    DECLARE cursor_names CURSOR FOR (SELECT BUY_COUNT                                    FROM tb_ranking); -- 定义游标,并给游标赋值(集合)    DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET d = TRUE; -- 定义异常捕捉,当游标也没有可取的值时,done会进行捕捉,然后我们依次跳出循环    OPEN cursor_names; -- 打开游标    REPEAT      FETCH cursor_names INTO n; -- 取一条数据      # 省略    UNTIL !d END REPEAT;    CLOSE cursor_names; -- 关闭游标  END;  


 --##### 定义课程访问量存储过程 #####delimiter $$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS statisCourseVisitCount;CREATE PROCEDURE statisCourseVisitCount(IN day varchar(32),IN month varchar(32))	BEGIN		DECLARE d BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;		DECLARE course_id_value BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE t_count_value BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE search_table varchar(200);		DECLARE param varchar(200);		DECLARE existsFlat int default 0;		DECLARE ownerMemberId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpShopId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpCategoryId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpCategoryPath VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '';		DECLARE tmpSubjectId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpCourseType INT(10) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpClassId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpGradeId BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0;		DECLARE tmpGradePath varchar(100) DEFAULT '';		DECLARE paperCount INT(10) DEFAULT 0;		##利用视图定义游标		DECLARE visit_count_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM visit_count_view;		##遍历停止判断		DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET d = TRUE;		##拼接动态表名		SET search_table = CONCAT('youke_course_visit_log_',month);		SET param = CONCAT("'",day,"'");		##创建视图的SQL语句		SET @cursor_sql = CONCAT('CREATE VIEW visit_count_view as select course_id,count(id) as t_count from ',search_table,' where DATE(create_date) = ',param,' group by course_id');		select @cursor_sql;		##预处理视图的SQL语句		PREPARE stmt from @cursor_sql;		EXECUTE stmt;		DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;		##开启游标		OPEN visit_count_cursor;		##遍历游标		read_loop: LOOP			##将遍历的结果赋值到变量中,注意顺序要一一对应			FETCH visit_count_cursor INTO course_id_value,t_count_value;			IF d THEN					##没有更多数据跳出循环					LEAVE read_loop;			ELSE					SET existsFlat = 0;					select count(id) into existsFlat from youke_statis_course_summary where course_id = course_id_value LIMIT 1;					IF existsFlat > 0 THEN						UPDATE youke_statis_course_summary set visit_count = visit_count + t_count_value where course_id = course_id_value;					ELSE 						SET paperCount = 0;						select OwerID,ShopId,CategoryId,CategoryPath,CourseType into ownerMemberId,tmpShopId,tmpCategoryId,tmpCategoryPath,tmpCourseType from himall_products where Id = course_id_value;						select Id,CategoryId,CategoryPath into tmpClassId,tmpGradeId,tmpGradePath from himall_grades where MemberId = ownerMemberId;						IF tmpCourseType = 1 THEN							select count(Id) into paperCount from himall_paperlist where ProductId = course_id_value and `Delete` = 0;						END IF;						INSERT INTO youke_statis_course_summary(course_id,owner_member_id,shop_id,category_id,category_path,subject_id,course_type,class_id,grade_id,grade_path,visit_count,paper_count) 						values(course_id_value,ownerMemberId,tmpShopId,tmpCategoryId,tmpCategoryPath,statisSplit(tmpCategoryPath,'|',2),tmpCourseType,tmpClassId,tmpGradeId,tmpGradePath,t_count_value,paperCount);					END IF;							END IF;##关闭变量		END LOOP;##关闭游标		CLOSE visit_count_cursor;##删除视图		DROP VIEW visit_count_view;	END; $$  




关于作者: 智云科技




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