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Id 通常都是用数字,不巧的是只有10个数字来使用,所以如果你有很多的记录,id往往变得非常冗长。当然对于计算机来说无所谓,但我们更希望id尽可能短。所以我们如何能使id变短?我们可以利用字母让它们附加上数字。字母可以解决!


  • 如何使用PHP和MySQL创建独特的短 字符串 id?

  • 或如何创建id类似YouTube的方式,如yzNjIBEdyww?


多就是少 – “这就是数学”

字母有26个字母。这是一个已经超过10字数。如果我们还区分大写和小写字母,并添加数字,我们已经有(26 x 2 + 10)=62个选项我们可以使用,让它出现在我们的id中。

当然我们现在也可以添加其他特殊字符如:/ * & #,但是那些可能导致的URL上的一些问题。





由此产生的字符串不是很难破译, 但它可以是一个非常不错的功能使url或目录结构更紧凑的和更重要。


  • 当有人请求rLHWfKd

  • alphaID()将其转换为999999999999

  • 你查找的记录id 999999999999在你的数据库


* Translates a number to a short alhanumeric version
* Translated any number up to 9007199254740992
* to a shorter version in letters e.g.:
* 9007199254740989 --> PpQXn7COf
* specifiying the second argument true, it will
* translate back e.g.:
* PpQXn7COf --> 9007199254740989
* this function is based on any2dec && dec2any by
* fragmer[at]mail[dot]ru
* see: #52450
* If you want the alphaID to be at least 3 letter long, use the
* $pad_up = 3 argument
* In most cases this is better than totally random ID generators
* because this can easily avoid duplicate ID's.
* For example if you correlate the alpha ID to an auto incrementing ID
* in your database, you're done.
* The reverse is done because it makes it slightly more cryptic,
* but it also makes it easier to spread lots of IDs in different
* directories on your filesystem. Example:
* $part1 = substr($alpha_id,0,1);
* $part2 = substr($alpha_id,1,1);
* $part3 = substr($alpha_id,2, strlen ($alpha_id));
* $destindir = "/".$part1."/".$part2."/".$part3;
* // by reversing, directories are more evenly spread out. The
* // first 26 directories already occupy 26 main levels
* more info on limitation:
* - 
* if you really need this for bigger numbers you probably have to look
* at things like: 
* or: 
* but I haven't really dugg into this. If you have more info on those
* matters feel free to leave a comment.
* The following code block can be utilized by PEAR's Testing_DocTest
* <code>
* // Input //
* $number_in = 2188847690240;
* $alpha_in = "SpQXn7Cb";
* // Execute //
* $alpha_out = alphaID($number_in, false, 8);
* $number_out = alphaID($alpha_in, true, 8);
* if ($number_in != $number_out) {
* echo "Conversion failure, ".$alpha_in." returns ".$number_out." instead of the ";
* echo "desired: ".$number_in."\n";
* }
* if ($alpha_in != $alpha_out) {
* echo "Conversion failure, ".$number_in." returns ".$alpha_out." instead of the ";
* echo "desired: ".$alpha_in."\n";
* }
* // Show //
* echo $number_out." => ".$alpha_out."\n";
* echo $alpha_in." => ".$number_out."\n";
* echo alphaID(238328, false)." => ".alphaID(alphaID(238328, false), true)."\n";
* // expects:
* // 2188847690240 => SpQXn7Cb
* // SpQXn7Cb => 2188847690240
* // aaab => 238328
* </code>
* @author Kevin van Zonneveld <kevin@vanzonneveld.net>
* @author Simon Franz
* @author Deadfish
* @copyright 2008 Kevin van Zonneveld (
* @license  New BSD Licence
* @version SVN: Release: $Id: alphaID.inc.php 344 2009-06-10 17:43:59Z kevin $
* @link 
* @param mixed $in String or long input to translate
* @param boolean $to_num  reverse s translation when true
* @param mixed $pad_up Number or boolean padds the result up to a specified length
* @param string $passKey Supplying a password makes it harder to calculate the original ID
* @return mixed string or long
*/function alphaID($in, $to_num = false, $pad_up = false, $pass_key = null){
 $out = '';
 $index = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
 $base = strlen($index);
 if ($pass_key !== null) {
 // Although this function's purpose is to just make the
 // ID short - and not so much secure,
 // with this patch by Simon Franz ( log .snaky.org/)
 // you can optionally supply a password to make it harder
 // to calculate the corresponding numeric ID
 for ($n = 0; $n < strlen($index); $n++) {
 $i[] = substr($index, $n, 1);
 $pass_ hash  = hash('sha256',$pass_key);
 $pass_hash = (strlen($pass_hash) < strlen($index) ? hash('sha512', $pass_key) : $pass_hash);
 for ($n = 0; $n < strlen($index); $n++) {
 $p[] = substr($pass_hash, $n, 1);
 array_multisort($p, SORT_DESC, $i);
 $index = implode($i);
 if ($to_num) {
 // Digital number <<-- alphabet letter code
 $len = strlen($in) - 1;
 for ($t = $len; $t >= 0; $t--) {
 $bcp = bcpow($base, $len - $t);
 $out = $out + strpos($index, substr($in, $t, 1)) * $bcp;
 if (is_numeric($pad_up)) {
 if ($pad_up > 0) {
 $out -= pow($base, $pad_up);
 } else {
 // Digital number -->> alphabet letter code
 if (is_numeric($pad_up)) {
 if ($pad_up > 0) {
 $in += pow($base, $pad_up);
 for ($t = ($in != 0 ? floor(log($in, $base)) : 0); $t >= 0; $t--) {
 $bcp = bcpow($base, $t);
 $a = floor($in / $bcp) % $base;
 $out = $out . substr($index, $a, 1);
 $in = $in - ($a * $bcp);
 return $out;} 




* Javascript AlphabeticID class
* (based on a script by Kevin van Zonneveld <kevin@vanzonneveld.net>)
* Author: Even Simon <even.simon@gmail.com>
* Description: Translates a numeric identifier into a short string and backwords.
* Usage:
* var str = AlphabeticID.encode(9007199254740989); // str = 'fE2XnNGpF'
* var id = AlphabeticID. decode ('fE2XnNGpF'); // id = 9007199254740989;
**/var AlphabeticID = {
 * [@function]( AlphabeticID.encode
 * [@description]( Encode a number into short string
 * [@param](  integer 
 * [@return]( string
 if(' undefined ' == typeof _number){
 return null;
 } else if('number' != typeof(_number)){
 throw new Error('Wrong parameter type');
 var ret = '';
 for(var i=Math.floor(Math.log(parseInt(_number))/Math.log(AlphabeticID.index.length));i>=0;i--){
 ret = ret + AlphabeticID.index.substr((Math.floor(parseInt(_number) / AlphabeticID.bcpow(AlphabeticID.index.length, i)) % AlphabeticID.index.length),1);
 return ret.reverse();
 * [@function]( AlphabeticID.decode
 * [@description]( Decode a short string and return number
 * [@param]( string
 * [@return]( integer
 if('undefined' == typeof _string){
 return null;
 } else if('string' != typeof _string){
 throw new Error('Wrong parameter type');
 var str = _string.reverse();
 var ret = 0;
 for(var i=0;i<=(str.length - 1);i++){
 ret = ret + AlphabeticID.index.indexOf(str.substr(i,1)) * (AlphabeticID.bcpow(AlphabeticID.index.length, (str.length - 1) - i));
 return ret;
 * [@function]( AlphabeticID.bcpow
 * [@description]( Raise _a to the power _b
 * [@param]( float _a
 * [@param]( integer _b
 * [@return]( string
 bcpow:function(_a, _b){
 return Math.floor(Math.pow(parseFloat(_a), parseInt(_b)));
* [@function]( String.reverse
* [@description]( Reverse a string
* [@return]( string
**/String.prototype.reverse = function(){
 return this.split('').reverse().join('');}; 




关于作者: 智云科技

