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分布式 跟踪系统使用户能够通过分布在多个应用程序,服务和数据库以及代理等中介上的软件系统来跟踪请求。这样可以更深入地了解软件系统中发生的情况。这些系统生成图形表示,显示请求在每个步骤上花费了多少时间并列出每个已知步骤。




OpenTracing API








是最早的此类系统之一。它是由Twitter基于 Google Dapper论文开发的,内容涉及Google使用的内部系统。Zipkin是使用Java编写的,它可以使用Cassandra或 ElasticSearch 作为可扩展的后端。大多数公司应该对其中一种选择感到满意。支持最低的Java版本是Java 6.它还使用 Thrift 二进制通信协议,该协议在Twitter堆栈中很流行,并作为Apache项目托管。

该系统由reporters(客户端),收集器(collectors),查询服务和Web UI组成。Zipkin通过在事务上下文中仅传输跟踪ID来通知接收者正在进行跟踪,从而保证生产中的安全。然后将每个报告器中收集的数据异步传输到收集器。收集器将这些span存储在数据库中,并且Web UI以可使用的格式将该数据呈现给最终用户。向收集器传递数据可以通过三种不同的方法进行:HTTP, Kafka Scribe

Zipkin与OpenTracing标准兼容,流行的Spring框架有一个名为Spring Cloud Sleuth的组件,它与Zipkin兼容。


Jaeger是Uber Technologies的一个新项目,CNCF已将其作为孵化项目采用。它是用Golang编写的,因此你不必担心在主机上安装依赖项或者解释器或语言虚拟机的任何开销。与Zipkin类似,Jaeger也支持Cassandra和ElasticSearch作为可扩展的存储后端。Jaeger还完全兼容OpenTracing标准。

Jaeger的架构与Zipkin类似,包括客户端(reporters),收集器,查询服务和Web UI,但它在每个主机上都有一个本地聚合数据的代理。代理通过UDP连接接收数据,并将其批处理并发送给收集器。收集器以Thrift协议的形式接收该数据,并将该数据存储在Cassandra或ElasticSearch中。查询服务可以直接访问数据存储并将该信息提供给Web UI。




Appdash的架构主要由三个部分组成:客户端,本地收集器和远程收集器。没有很多文档,所以这个描述来自测试系统和查看代码。Appdash中的客户端会添加到你的代码中。 Appdash提供Python,Golang和Ruby实现,但OpenTracing库可以与Appdash的OpenTracing实现一起使用。客户端收集span并将它们发送到本地收集器。然后,本地收集器将数据发送到运行其自己的本地收集器的集中式Appdash服务器,该收集器是系统中所有其他节点的远程收集器。




关于作者: 智云科技




  1. In a candid interview to be published this week, the couple share their grueling journey with the disease and their love for each other Comparison of patient and histological characteristics between groups was obtained by the П‡ 2 test in relevant contingency tables

  2. 2005 Aug; 98 2 274 80 Two new agents, EM 652 and LY 353381 Arzoxifene, are particularly attractive in that they might be at least as efficacious as tamoxifen 37, 38

  3. 68382 0003 Azathioprine Zydus Pharmaceuticals USA Inc All oral versions of ondansetron should be stored in the original, labeled container at room temperature

  4. Strikingly, quantification of EGFP AQP2 enriched endosomal structures that tubulated Fig For example, this occurs with congenital absence of the vas deferent in cystic fibrosis

  5. Developed by researchers at the National Institutes of Health s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH diet is based on a large scale research study that identified the foods that affect blood pressure see the National Institutes of Health s Web site for more information The genomic mapping of ER binding sites has provided insight into how ER functions in breast cancer cells, including the finding that ER rarely binds to promoter regions and that loading of ER on the chromatin requires the presence of pioneer factors, such as FoxA1 refs 2 4

  6. P in and P out were changed in parallel, and the amplitude and frequency of contractions were determined by measurement of vessel diameter between the 2 valves

  7. To identify the region responsible for the different nisoldipine sensitivity, all possible chimeras of О± 1C a named HK1 and О± 1C b named LK1 subunits were constructed termed LK2 to LK8, LK10, LK12, and HK2 Fig 1B and functionally expressed in the absence of auxiliary subunits

  8. Gong Y, Murphy LC, Murphy LJ The investigators recruited 19 patients with an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group ECOG performance status of 2 with advanced nonleukemic cancers

  9. The four girls accompanied Luo Jia is parents to make dumplings In surviving patients, morbidity can be substantial in a third of the patients, but the remaining patients have good potential for recovery after rehabilitation

  10. Rotator cuff disease is most often a repetitive strain injury, with onset due to overuse and cumulative damage to the rotator cuff tendons 9

  11. Last week, for example, I was sitting in class when this voice told me that the boy sitting behind me was planning to attack me after school

  12. This peptide will show far greater benefits when used as part of a long term anti aging plan Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT or in conjunction with other medications used to enhance performance

  13. Abscess fluid was submitted for culture, species identification of isolates, and susceptibility testing in accordance with Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute approved methods 9 by the clinical microbiology laboratory at each participating institution Protection of Personal Information

  14. Fifty participants who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into the DF group n 25 and control group n 25

  15. Interestingly, expression of STAT5, but not STAT1, was detected in STAT3 knockout MCF 7 cells compared to control MCF 7 cells Figure 4D The FDA has not approved the use of high dose vitamin C as a treatment for cancer

  16. Undetectable antimГјllerian hormone levels and recovery of chemotherapy induced ovarian failure in women with breast cancer on an oral aromatase inhibitor

  17. Najak ZD, Harris EM, et al Pulmonary effects of furosemide in preterm infants with lung disease

  18. Cre mediated recombination was also analyzed by PCR in RU486 treated mice inheriting О±MHC CrePR1, the ROSA26 Cre reporter gene, or both Figure 4B

  19. Therefore, it must only be recognized for use within the parameters for which it has been authorized
