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Java|jdk(命令行环境下编译和运行) + netbeans(图形界面集成工具)

Java是在1990年由James Gosling创建的,其初衷是作为智能设备(如交互式电视、无所不能的烤箱、时间旅行的终结者、奴役人类的SkyNet军用卫星等)的大脑。Gosling对其使用C++编写的程序感到失望,他灵机一动,决定躲在办公室开发一种更适合其需求的新语言。



Java语言的最初目标之一就是要比C++容易掌握,James Gosling于20世纪90年代在他的智能家电项目中使用的就是C++。Java的很大一部分都是基于C++的,因此学习过C++语言编程的人学习起Java来也不困难。然而,C++中有些难以学习和难以正确使用的内容已经从Java中删除。

Android成为Java语言使用最为广阔的一个领域。在掌握了Java语言之后,你可以使用Android软件开发包(SDK)开发自己的app。Android SDK是一款可以在Windows、Mac OS和Linux上运行的免费编程套件。

1 jdk下载和安装



jdk-8u321-windows-i586.exe 162M


1.1 可选组件

1.2 可在安装完成后访问教程:




“C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_321binjavac.exe”

“C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_321binjava.exe”

2 windows 7 32位平台下第一个java程序(在CMD下编译、运行)


2.1 Create a Source File,扩展名为.java

 class HelloWorldApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!"); // Display the string.

2.2 Compile the Source File into a .class File


“C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_321binjavac.exe” “f:javaHelloWorldApp.java”



2.3 run .class file

再在CMD输入:cd d f:java


“C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_321binjava.exe” “HelloWorldApp”


2.4 配置环境变量(简化路径输入)


2.4.1 将javac.exe所在路径配置到path

2.4.2 将java.exe所在路径配置为JAVA


3 netbeans

尽管可以只使用Java开发工具包(JDK)和文本编辑器来开发Java 程序,但是如果使用IDE,由此带来的编程体验会更好。


3.1 下载



3.2 安装


NetBeans对3个版本的Java语言都提供支持,这3个版本是:JavaStandard Edition(JSE)、Java Enterprise Edition(JEE)和JavaMobile Edition(JME)。它还支持Web应用开发、Web服务和JavaBeans。

Java Enterprise Edition是Java Standard Edition的一个扩展,它包含了支持Enterprise JavaBeans、XML处理和servlet开发的包,其中servlet是运行在Web服务器上的Java程序。Java EE还包含一个应用服务器,这是一个复杂的环境,用来执行专门为企业和其他大型组织开发的具有大量计算需求的Java软件。



4 netBeans下第一个java程序

4.1 新建项目:





4.2 编译、及编译后的项目和文件夹:


4.3 运行

5 在线运行


 package first;  // 用包组织类
                // to group classes in a collection called a package.
                // The standard Java library is distributed over a number of packages,
import java.util.*;     // #include+using namespace+others
import java.io.*;

public class First {    // C++类是全局的,无修饰
                        // Everything in a Java program must be inside a class.
                        // every class in Java extends Object.
                        // A source file can only contain one public class, 
                        // and the names of the file and the public class must match.
    private String city;
    int ivar;           // default scope: package
    public static void main(String[] args) { // 一个程序需要某个类有main方法
                                // 任何Java程序都是一个类,拥有main的称为主类
                                // 主类,程序名与类名一致时,
                                // 其它类,可有main,用于单元测试,
        //System.out.println(args[0]);// bound checking, not program itself
        int $var = 3;           // C++变量只能以字母和下划线开头
        String str = "abc";     // C++ string是模板类的typedef
        byte i = 3;             // byte,取值范围为−128~127的整数,signed char
        boolean b = true;       // bool
        final int FIELDGOAL = 3;// const
        int bit = 0b01011;      // 
        System.out.println(str + "def" + bit + i + b);// 隐式转换,C++ printf()
        String declar;          // only declaration
        declar = new String("abc");
// switch不只是整型
        String command = "BUY";
        int balance = 550;
        int quantity = 42;
        switch (command) {
            case "BUY":
                quantity += 5;
                balance -= 20;
            case "SELL":
                quantity -= 5;
                balance += 15;
        // A constant expression of type char, byte, short, or int
        // An enumerated constant
        // Starting with Java SE 7, a string literal
        System.out.println("Balance: " + balance + "n"
                + "Quantity: " + quantity);
        // time
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // c++: time_t first = time(NULL);
// 数组
        int[] arr = new int[25]; // int *arr = new int[25];
        // 对象与类型转换
        // Java中的所有对象都是Object类的子类
        String[] names = {"Spanky", "Alfalfa", "Buckwheat", "Daria",
            "Stymie", "Marianne", "Scotty", "Tommy", "Chubby"};

        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); //  vector<int> arr[25];
                                // the angle brackets cannot be a primitive type
        for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
        for (String name : list){
        int[][] magicSquare = {
            {16, 3, 2, 13},
            {5, 10, 11, 8},
            {9, 6, 7, 12},
            {4, 15, 14, 1}};
        for (i = 0; i < magicSquare.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < magicSquare[i].length; j++) {
                System.out.printf("%d ",magicSquare[i][j]);
        //System.out.printf("%d ",magicSquare[8][8]);// bounding checking
// 哈希类
        HashMap phonebook2 = new HashMap(30, 0.7F); // 初始容量和负载因子
        HashMap<String, Integer> phonebook = new HashMap<>(); // 指明键和值的类
        phonebook.put("Butterball Turkey Line", 80028883);
        int number = phonebook.get("Butterball Turkey Line");
        File cookie = new File("cookie.web");
        try (FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(cookie)) {
            System.out.println("Length of file: " + cookie.length());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            System.out.println("Could not read file.");
// lambda        
        Comparator<String> comp
                = (first, second) // Same as (String first, String second)
                -> first.length() - second.length();
// object     
// java data type
        Integer xx = 17;    // Autoboxing (int -> Integer)
        int aa = xx;        // Unboxing   (Integer -> int)
        Moden md = new Moden(80);// All Java objects live on the heap
        Demo de = new Demo();   // return a object reference
        1 primitive types: boolean, byte, char, double, float, int, long, short;
        2 reference types: A class type, interface type, or array type, such as String, 
          Charge, Comparable, or int[]. A variable of a reference type stores 
          an object reference, not the data-type value itself.
        3 wrapper types: A reference type corresponding to one of the primitive types, 
        such as Boolean, Btye, Character(char), Double, Float, int(Integer), Long, Short.
        Java automatically converts between an object from a wrapper type 
        and the corresponding primitive data-type value—in assignment statements, 
        method arguments, and arithmetic/logic expressions.
        pass by value: Java's style of passing arguments to methods—
        either as a data-type value (for primitive types) 
        or as an object reference (for reference types).
// interface instance, lambda        
        double res = integrate(new GaussianPDF(), -1, 1, 1000);
        res = integrate(x -> x*x, 0, 10, 1000); // lambda expression
    public static double integrate(Function f,
            double a, double b, int n) {
        double delta = (b - a) / n;
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            sum += delta * f.evaluate(a + delta * (i + 0.5));
        return sum;
// 继承
class Moden {
    int speed;
    public Moden(int i) {
        speed = i;
class cableModen extends Moden { // :public, All inheritance in Java is public inheritance
    public int size;
    public cableModen(int speed,int size){ // :Moden(speed){this.size = size;}
        this.size = size;
abstract class Comparable2
    private String datafiled;
    public abstract int compareTo(Object other); // 
// an abstract method is called a pure virtual function and is tagged with a trailing = 0

interface Comparable
    int compareTo(Object other); // All methods of an interface are automatically public.
    default int compareTo2(Object other) { return 0; }
    // By default, all elements are the same

class Demo{
    public static void staticFunc(){
        System.out.println("class method(static, class call)!");
    public void instanceFunc(){
        System.out.println("Instance method(object call)!");

interface Function
   public abstract double evaluate(double x);
class Square implements Function
   public double evaluate(double x)
   {  return x*x;  }
class GaussianPDF implements Function
   public double evaluate(double x)
   {  return Math.exp(-x*x/2) / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);  }

class LinkedStackOfStrings {
    private Node first;
    private class Node {
        private String item;
        private Node next;
   public boolean isEmpty()
   {  return (first == null); }
   public void push(String item)
   {  // Insert a new node at the beginning of the list.
      Node oldFirst = first;
      first = new Node();
      first.item = item;
      first.next = oldFirst;

    public String pop() {  // Remove the first node from the list and return item.
        String item = first.item;
        first = first.next;
        return item;

/*  Supplying instance fields and methods that operate on them 
    is the job of the classes that implement the interface.
    being similar to an abstract class with no instance fields. 
*//*  Why can’t Comparable simply be an abstract class?
    A class can only extend a single class(not support multiple inheritance.
    But each class can implement as many interfaces.
    C++ has multiple inheritance, similar to a Java class with a single superclass 
    and additional interfaces.

// dynamic binding is the default behavior; 
// if you do not want a method to be virtual, you tag it as final.
// Unlike C++, Java has no programmable operator overloading.
// Since Java does automatic garbage collection, 
// manual memory reclamation is not needed, so Java does not support destructors. 

// implements将类声明为支持一个或多个监听接口 支持Runnable接口
// class LoadStocks implements Runnable {} //
// C++ virtual function override, implement abstract class
// 通过调用Thread构造函数创建线程化类的对象;
// 通过调用start()方法启动线程。  


1996年1月,Sun公司发布了Java的第一个开发工具包(JDK 1.0)。

1998年12月8日,第二代Java平台的企业版J2EE发布(Enterprise Edition)。

2004年9月30日,J2SE1.5发布,成为Java语言发展史上的又一里程碑。为了表示该版本的重要性,J2SE 1.5更名为Java SE 5.0(内部版本号1.5.0),代号为“Tiger”,Tiger包含了从1996年发布1.0版本以来的最重大的更新,其中包括泛型支持、基本类型的自动装箱、改进的循环、枚举类型、格式化I/O及可变参数。


2014年,甲骨文公司发布了Java8正式版。 新增lambda表达式、提供函数式接口。

2017年9月22 日,Java 9正式发布,带来了很多新特性,其中最主要的变化是已经实现的模块化系统。此后,半年一次版本迭代。

Java SE 10 2018-03-14

Java SE 11 2018-09-26, 长期支持版本 (LTS, Long-Term-Support) 将会获得 5 年的技术支持。

Java SE 12 2019-03-20

Java SE 13 2019-09-17

Java SE 14 2020-03-17

Java SE 15 2020-09

Java SE 16 2021-03

Java SE 17 2021-09,长期支持版本,将会获得 8 年的技术支持。





文章标题:Java|jdk(命令行环境下编译和运行) + netbeans(图形界面集成工具)


关于作者: 智云科技




  1. When ovarian function recovered after initial COFF, both FSH and estradiol levels normalized rapidly to premenopausal levels at the same time Figure 2C and 2D

  2. For the original review, a subgroup of three individuals was charged with leading the investigation and developing draft documents for meetings of the whole group 225 Morgan, T

  3. Anterior perfusion study is used at specific parts of furosemide may dictate the relative renal transit, dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy
