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PHP是单继承的语言,在PHP 5.4 Traits出现之前,PHP的类无法同时从两个基类继承属性或方法,为了解决这个问题,php出了Trait这个特性。(Traits和Go语言的组合功能有点类似)


<?phptrait Drive {    public $carName = 'BMW';    public function driving() {        echo "driving {$this->carName}n";    }} class Person {    public function age() {        echo "i am 18 years oldn";    }} class Student extends Person {    use Drive;    public function study() {        echo "Learn to drive n";    }} $student = new Student();$student->study();  //输出:Learn to drive $student->age();    //输出:i am 18 years old$student->driving();//输出:driving BMW





<?php trait Drive {    public function hello() {        echo "hello 周伯通n";    }    public function driving() {        echo "周伯通不会开车n";    }} class Person {    public function hello() {        echo "hello 大家好n";    }    public function driving() {        echo "大家都会开车n";    }} class Student extends Person {    use Drive;//trait 的方法覆盖了基类Person中的方法,所以Person中的hello 和driving被覆盖    public function hello() {        echo "hello 新学员n";//当方法或属性同名时,当前类中的方法会覆盖 trait的 方法,所以此处hello会覆盖trait中的        hello    }} $student = new Student();$student->hello();    //输出:hello 新学员$student->driving();  //输出:周伯通不会开车

结论:当方法或属性同名时,当前类中的方法会覆盖 trait的 方法,而 trait 的方法又覆盖了基类中的方法。

如果要组合多个Trait,通过逗号分隔 Trait名称:

use Trait1, Trait2;


<?phptrait Trait1 {    public function hello() {        echo "Trait1::hellon";    }    public function hi() {        echo "Trait1::hin";    }} trait Trait2 {    public function hello() {        echo "Trait2::hellon";    }    public function hi() {        echo "Trait2::hin";    }} class Class1 {     use Trait1, Trait2;} //输出:Fatal error:  Trait method hello has not been applied, because there are collisions with other trait methods on Class1 in


<?phptrait Trait1 {    public function hello() {        echo "Trait1::hello n";    }    public function hi() {        echo "Trait1::hi n";    }}trait Trait2 {    public function hello() {        echo "Trait2::hellon";    }    public function hi() {        echo "Trait2::hin";    }}class Class1 {    use Trait1, Trait2 {        Trait2::hello insteadof Trait1;        Trait1::hi insteadof Trait2;    }} class Class2 {    use Trait1, Trait2 {        Trait2::hello insteadof Trait1;        Trait1::hi insteadof Trait2;        Trait2::hi as hei;        Trait1::hello as hehe;    }} $Obj1 = new Class1();$Obj1->hello();$Obj1->hi();echo "n";$Obj2 = new Class2();$Obj2->hello();$Obj2->hi();$Obj2->hei();$Obj2->hehe();


Trait2::helloTrait1::hi  Trait2::helloTrait1::hi Trait2::hiTrait1::hello
<?phptrait Hello {    public function hello() {        echo "hello,我是周伯通n";    }}class Class1 {    use Hello {        hello as protected;    }}class Class2 {    use Hello {        Hello::hello as private hi;    }}$Obj1 = new Class1();$Obj1->hello(); # 报致命错误,因为hello方法被修改成受保护的 $Obj2 = new Class2();$Obj2->hello(); # 输出: hello,我是周伯通,因为原来的hello方法仍然是公共的$Obj2->hi();  # 报致命错误,因为别名hi方法被修改成私有的
Uncaught Error: Call to protected method Class1::hello() from context '' in D:webmytestp.php:18

Trait 也能组合Trait,Trait中支持抽象方法、静态属性及静态方法,测试代码如下:

<?phptrait Hello {    public function sayHello() {        echo "Hello 我是周伯通n";    }} trait World {    use Hello;    public function sayWorld() {        echo "hello worldn";    }    abstract public function getWorld();    public function inc() {        static $c = 0;        $c = $c + 1;        echo "$cn";    }    public static function doSomething() {        echo "Doing somethingn";    }} class HelloWorld {    use World;    public function getWorld() {        return 'do you get World ?';    }} $Obj = new HelloWorld();$Obj->sayHello();$Obj->sayWorld();echo $Obj->getWorld() . "n";HelloWorld::doSomething();$Obj->inc();$Obj->inc();


Hello 我是周伯通hello worlddo you get World ?Doing something12





关于作者: 智云科技




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