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swoole 作为php的高性能第三方扩展,最近几年异军突起,为几近衰落的php注入了活力。而php作为敏捷开发的利器,有大批的忠粉和黑粉,原因就是实现高效开发的同时不能达到类似node、golang、java同等的性能。而swoole的出现,以及php7尤其是7.3的版本更新大幅提升了php的性能,使php能够运用到更多场景中。笔者作为一名手游服务端从业者,将在本文中分享下自己在手游开发中使用swoole的心得。才疏学浅,文中如有偏颇请及时指正,以免影响到更多小白读者。

笔者最近一个项目是基于H5的,选择php的原因很简单,节约时间成本,这目前也是很多游戏成败的关键,一个小项目十几个人开发一年就是两三百万!swoole在项目中的使用仅限于swooleHttp和swooleWebsocket两种模式,因为 TCP 和Udp毫无用武之地。当然,如果您想使用TCP或UDP也是可以的,就是:浏览器->网关(协议转发)->swooleTCP/swooleUDP的RPC服务端,这种模式也是可以的。


1. swoole本身提供http而非https服务

swoole作者也承认swooleHttp是不完善的,并建议在外层增加 nginx 反向代理 ,那么https隧道加密的工作完全可以让nginx一个人扛,然后nginx再通过http方式反向代理给swooleHttp。这样的好处是:开发模式可以完全不使用https,方便调试、抓包,且迁到线上时不需要对配置ssl证书、url地址等配置项做任何更改。

2. 使用swoole_base模式

process 模式时reactor和worker由不同进程负责,因此服务端收发数据时都需要在reactor和worker间做一次交互。而BASE模式下,worker进程直接接管客户端连接做数据收发,即worker同时做了reactor的工作,省去一次(或者说两次)IPC交互的消耗。作为短连接的http完全没必要使用process模式。

3. keepalive保持连接






upstream main_server {


keepalive 128;




# swoolehttp反向代理

location / {

proxy_http_version 1.1;

proxy_set_header Connection “”;

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;




location /ws {

proxy_http_version 1.1;

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;


proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

proxy_set_header Connection “upgrade”;




慢日志有助于查询性能瓶颈,如果您没有用协程,则可以在 开发环境 使用xhprof调试性能,比慢日志更行之有效。



5.关于 数据库连接池


6.是否使用负载均衡和 分布式

如果你的服务器架构为传统的多组服,比如1-5区在同一组服务器(game服+ 缓存 服+数据库+其他)上,6-10区在第二组服务器上,开第11区时发现第二组服务器还没什么负载,那么11区可以继续开在第二组服务器上。这种情况就没必要使用分布式,也基本用不到负载均衡,程序中可以使用文件锁做为逻辑锁(这比redis等缓存锁安全但性能略低)。该模式最大的缺点是不方便和服。








关于作者: 智云科技




  1. Interestingly, compared to cisplatin Cis alone, there was slightly enhanced decrease in tumor weight when FO was given together with Cis Cis FO

  2. Anas bin Malik reported the Apostle of Allaah saws as saying I am commanded to fight with the polytheists

  3. 2018 noted that calcitriol and its analogs contribute to tumor conducive changes in tumor bearing mice 25 These technologies also have limitations including technical difficulties to achieve 100 efficacy, beta cell toxicity and the potential for viral expression in other cell types

  4. We have to exercise judgment and be thoughtful in our approach, he told Medscape Medical News

  5. Instead of fish, krill, or algae, this formulation uses green lipped mussels from sustainable mussel farms off the coast of New Zealand

  6. Investigation of homogenous association and or heterogeneous association between cleaved ER regions and regulatory proteins would be informative with regard to the validity of this hypothesis 0601755103 PMID 16606824

  7. The heme orange is in the catalytic center of the enzyme, and the iron shown in spheres is located in the center of the heme 2003; 82 25 42

  8. He suggested incorporating primary care physicians into the cancer care team at diagnosis, especially if the patients are expected to have many more years of life

  9. A high frequency of K ras mutations has been observed in the endometrium of women treated with TAM

  10. Further studies are required, however, to investigate whether vitamin D supplementation in patients with bronchial asthma actually reduces the frequency of respiratory infections and improves the anti inflammatory effect of inhaled glucocorticoids

  11. Developed gyno like symptoms I guess, fat nipples, kinda puffy, and they began to point more towards my armpits Additionally, they used a microscopy technique that allowed them to capture high resolution images at different depths within the biofilms, revealing details of their three dimensional structures

  12. And I think the animals might be the path for understanding where that might happen The IUI procedure was originally developed to help couples conceive when there was a severe male factor to infertility, such as an inability to have intercourse or very low sperm count

  13. The rs6603883 C_C genotype decreased EPHA2 promoter transcriptional activity significantly As per the United States Dawn Abuse Warning Network DAWN data, cocaine had the highest rates of emergency department visits compared to other illicit drugs 162

  14. 2022 Mar 19; 10 20503121221078722 RSS was trained, cross validated, and further refined to 51 genes that were enriched for concepts involving cell cycle arrest and DNA damage response

  15. Patients take a little value of services and breast tenderness and how they are useful for more research

  16. The length of postpartum amenorrhea is quite variable, and depends on several factors, including maternal age and parity, and the duration and frequency of breastfeeding

  17. Can I take finasteride to stop hair loss while on letro and subsequently tamox or will it negate the effects of the drugs, since DHT is supposed to help fight gyno

  18. And if the condition does progress at a later date, it can almost always be successfully treated Frank- Raue K, Junga G, Raue F, Vecsei P, Ziegler R

  19. Monitor Closely 1 ketoconazole will increase the level or effect of nicardipine by affecting hepatic intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism

  20. Bone density measurements of the spine were taken at the beginning of the study and two years after treatment ended apalutamide will decrease the level or effect of buprenorphine buccal by increasing elimination

  21. The number of infants exposed in utero to omeprazole that had any malformation, low birth weight, low Apgar score, or hospitalization was similar to the number observed in this population
