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// 伪代码

switch value := value.(type) {

case string:

// …一些操作

case int:

// …一些操作

case cbsStruct: // 自定义的结构体

// …一些操作

// …








reflect.ValueOf() 获取输入参数接口中的数据的值,如果为空则返回0 <- 注意是0

reflect.TypeOf() 动态获取输入参数接口中的值的类型,如果为空则返回nil <- 注意是nil

package main

import (




func main() {

var name string = “咖啡色的羊驼”

// TypeOf会返回目标数据的类型,比如int/float/struct/指针等

reflectType := reflect.TypeOf(name)

// valueOf返回目标数据的的值,比如上文的”咖啡色的羊驼”

reflectValue := reflect.ValueOf(name)

fmt.Println(“type: “, reflectType)

fmt.Println(“value: “, reflectValue)




package main

import (




type Student struct {

Id int

Name string


func (s Student) Hello(){



func main() {

s := Student{Id: 1, Name: “咖啡色的羊驼”}

// 获取目标对象

t := reflect.TypeOf(s)

// .Name()可以获取取这个类型的名称

fmt.Println(“这个类型的名称是:”, t.Name())

// 获取目标对象的值类型

v := reflect.ValueOf(s)

// .NumField()来获取其包含的字段的总数

for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {

// 从0开始获取Student所包含的key

key := t.Field(i)

// 通过interface方法来获取key所对应的值

value := v.Field(i).Interface()

fmt.Printf(“第%d个字段是:%s:%v = %v n”, i+1, key.Name, key.Type, value)


// 通过.NumMethod()来获取Student里头的方法

for i:=0;i<t.NumMethod(); i++ {

m := t.Method(i)

fmt.Printf(“第%d个方法是:%s:%vn”, i+1, m.Name, m.Type)




package main

import (




type Student struct {

Id int

Name string


type People struct {

Student // 匿名字段


func main() {

p := People{Student{Id: 1, Name: “咖啡色的羊驼”}}

t := reflect.TypeOf(p)

// 这里需要加一个#号,可以把struct的详情都给打印出来

// 会发现有Anonymous:true,说明是匿名字段

fmt.Printf(“%#vn”, t.Field(0))

// 取出这个学生的名字的详情打印出来

fmt.Printf(“%#vn”, t.FieldByIndex([]int{0, 1}))

// 获取匿名字段的值的详情

v := reflect.ValueOf(p)

fmt.Printf(“%#vn”, v.Field(0))



package main

import (




type Student struct {

Id int

Name string


func main() {

s := Student{Id: 1, Name: “咖啡色的羊驼”}

t := reflect.TypeOf(s)

// 通过.Kind()来判断对比的值是否是struct类型

if k := t.Kind(); k == reflect.Struct {



num := 1;

numType := reflect.TypeOf(num)

if k := numType.Kind(); k == reflect.Int {





package main

import (




type Student struct {

Id int

Name string


func main() {

s := &Student{Id: 1, Name: “咖啡色的羊驼”}

v := reflect.ValueOf(s)

// 修改值必须是指针类型否则不可行

if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {




// 获取指针所指向的元素

v = v.Elem()

// 获取目标key的Value的封装

name := v.FieldByName(“Name”)

if name.Kind() == reflect.String {



fmt.Printf(“%#v n”, *s)

// 如果是整型的话

test := 888

testV := reflect.ValueOf(&test)





package main

import (




type Student struct {

Id int

Name string


func (s Student) EchoName(name string){

fmt.Println(“我的名字是:”, name)


func main() {

s := Student{Id: 1, Name: “咖啡色的羊驼”}

v := reflect.ValueOf(s)

// 获取方法控制权

// 官方解释:返回v的名为name的方法的已绑定(到v的持有值的)状态的函数形式的Value封装

mv := v.MethodByName(“EchoName”)

// 拼凑参数

args := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(“咖啡色的羊驼”)}

// 调用函数






// 以下为截取的源代码

func TypeOf(i interface{}) Type {

eface := *(*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))

return toType(eface.typ)


func ValueOf(i interface{}) Value {

if i == nil {

return Value{}



return unpackEface(i)






关于作者: 智云科技




  1. 1999; 59 1391 1399 Body fluids should not be handled by a woman who is pregnant or who may become pregnant

  2. I started femara in June of 2009 and initially I really had a tough time joint stiffness, stiffness in my hands and feet

  3. Other cytochrome P450 enzymes, such as CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19, play a minor role in its metabolism

  4. Only one patient was prescribed myeloid growth factor support at some point during therapy 7 cycles, 2

  5. The rates of mastectomy, post lumpectomy radiation and chemotherapy were higher for DCISMi than DCIS 40

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  7. Goldstein, chairman of the international jury of researchers that selects recipients of the Lasker Awards, and recipient of the Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research and the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1985

  8. A further 2 years later she was found to be anaemic with a positive Coombs test 1 1024 and antibodies against IgG and complement I have now been on them for almost 4 years

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  12. 10 million, will compensate him for it Meta analyses of randomized clinical trials have highlighted the possible association between antihypertensive therapy and both intrauterine growth restriction IUGR and small for gestational age birthweight SGA 2, especially with the use of beta blockers ОІb 3

  13. The effects of various meal frequency strategies on total and LDL cholesterol are reported in Table 2 Human enhancement drug use differs from other forms of drug use by virtue of the motivation or purpose of their use

  14. fosphenytoin decreases levels of ospemifene by affecting hepatic intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism

  15. Total proteins were extracted by directly lysing the cells in Co IP lysis buffer 100 mmol L NaCl, 50 mmol L Tris pH 7 Sometimes your doctor might perform a biopsy by removing a small piece of your skin and having the lab examine it

  16. Genetic relatedness with previous ceftriaxone resistant isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae case imported from Premenopausal, hormone receptor positive patient Histologically verified minimally invasive breast cancer, local radical treatment 0 9 involved axillary lymph nodes 10 histologically examined nodes Tumor stage pT1b 3, yT0 or yT1a

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  18. Glomerular and tubular effects of ionic and nonionic contrast media diatrizoate and iopamidol

  19. Although mycophenolic acid alone prevents extensive growth of most cells, the addition of aminopterin, which blocks de novo synthesis of IMP, the first purine nucleotide intermediate, ensures complete inhibition of de novo synthesis of all purines

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