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使用 Java 注解自动化处理对应关系实现注释代码化


假设我们要从一个 ES 索引(相当于一张DB表)查询数据,ES表有 order_no, order_type, state 等字段, 而应用对象则有属性 orderNo, orderType, state等。这样,就会面临“将应用对象的属性与ES字段对应起来”的问题。

固然可以通过注释来说明,不过这样显得比较生硬。因为注释并不起实际作用,代码里还得写一套映射关系,就会存在注释与代码不一致的情况。 那么,是否可以将这种对应关系的注释用代码形式来解决呢? Java 注解可以解决这个问题。



首先定义注解类。注解类需要提供对应的ES字段名 name、类型 type 以及是否必传 required。

  • @Retention 指明注解在何时起作用,这里是在运行时。
  • @Target 指明注解应用于何种对象,这里应用于字段。




public class CustomerDomain implements DomainSearch {

/** 店铺ID */

@EsField(name=”shop_id”, required = true )

private Long shopId;

/** 订单编号 */


private String orderNo;

/** 订单状态 */

@EsField(name=”state”, type=”list”)

private List<Integer> state;

/** 订单类型 */

@EsField(name=”order_type”, type=”list”)

private List<Integer> orderType;




  • 使用接口的默认方法来实现,是为了支持不同的业务类自动可以转化为ES查询串;
  • 注解解析器需要使用Java反射机制,来获取相应的字段,以及字段上的注解定义,然后根据字段的类型、值、注解定义来做相应处理;
  • 使用反射来处理字段时,由于字段一般是私有的,因此必须先设置为可访问的,处理完成后还原为不可访问;
  • EsField field = f.getAnnotation(EsField.class) 用来获取字段上的注解信息(name, type, required);Object value = f.get(customerDomain) 用来获取字段的值;字段的其他类型信息可以通过 Field 的方法拿到。

public interface DomainSearch {

Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DomainSearch. class );

default String toEsQuery() {

Object customerDomain = this ;

EsQuery esQuery = new EsQuery();

Field[] fields = this .getClass().getDeclaredFields();

for (Field f: fields) {

try {

if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) {

continue ;


f.setAccessible( true );

Object value = f.get(customerDomain);

if (f.getAnnotation(EsField. class ) != null ) {

EsField field = f.getAnnotation(EsField. class );

if (field.required() && value == null ) {

throw new RuntimeException(“field ‘” + field + “‘ is required. value is null”);


if (isNeedOmitted(value)) {

f.setAccessible( false );

continue ;


if ((value instanceof List) && ((List)value).size() == 1) {

// 针对 List 中单个值做优化查询

esQuery = esQuery.addTermFilter(field.name(), ((List)value).get(0));


else {

esQuery = esQuery.addTermFilter(field.name(), value);



f.setAccessible( false );

} catch (Exception ex) {

logger.error(“failed to build es query for field: ” + f.getName(), ex);

throw new RuntimeException(ex.getCause());



return esQuery.toJsonString();



* 判断是否需要忽略该字段的查询

* @param value 字段值

* @return 是否要忽略


default boolean isNeedOmitted(Object value) {

if (value == null ) {

return true ;


// 空字符串搜索值忽略

if ((value instanceof String) && StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) {

return true ;


// 空列表串忽略

if ((value instanceof List) && ((List)value). isEmpty ()) {

return true ;


return false ;





public class EsQuery {

private static int DEFAULT_SIZE = 100;

private final Map<String, Object> termFilter;

private final Map<String, Range> rangeFilter;

private final Map<String, Match> matchFilter;

private int size;

private String orderBy = null ;

private String order = null ;

// query 查询语法, 是否需要 filtered, filter 这两层

// 5.x 版本不再需要这两层

private bool ean isNeedFilterLayer = true ;

private Integer from;

private final Map<String, Object> mustNotTermFilter;

private final Map<String,Object> shouldTermFilter;

private Integer shouldMatchMinimum;

private List<String> includes;

private List<String> excludes;

public EsQuery() {

this .termFilter = new HashMap<>();

this .rangeFilter = new HashMap();

this .matchFilter = new HashMap();

this .mustNotTermFilter = new HashMap<>();

this .shouldTermFilter = new HashedMap();

this .size = DEFAULT_SIZE;

this .includes = new ArrayList<>();

this .excludes = new ArrayList<>();


public EsQuery addTermFilter(String key, Object value) {

this .termFilter.put(key, value);

return this ;


public EsQuery addMustNotTermFilter(String key, Object value) {

this .mustNotTermFilter.put(key, value);

return this ;


public EsQuery addAllMustNotTermFilter(Map<String,Object> mustNot) {

if (mustNot != null && !mustNot.isEmpty()) {

this .mustNotTermFilter.putAll(mustNot);


return this ;


public EsQuery addShouldTermFilter(String key, Object value) {

this .shouldTermFilter.put(key, value);

return this ;


public EsQuery addAllShouldTermFilter(Map<String,Object> should) {

if (should != null && !should.isEmpty()) {

this .shouldTermFilter.putAll(should);


return this ;


public EsQuery addRangeFilter(String key, long gte, long lte){

this .rangeFilter.put(key, new Range(gte, lte));

return this ;


public EsQuery addMatchFilter(String key, Match value) {

this .matchFilter.put(key, value);

return this ;


public EsQuery addIncludeFields(List<String> includes) {

this .includes.addAll(includes);

return this ;


public EsQuery addExcludeFields(List<String> excludes) {

this .excludes.addAll(excludes);

return this ;



public String toString() {

return toJsonString();


public String toJsonString() {

Map<String, Object> finalQuery = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Object> queryMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Object> filteredMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Object> filterMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Object> boolMap = new HashMap<>();

List<Object> mustList = obtainTermFilterList( this .termFilter);

List<Object> mustNotList = obtainTermFilterList( this .mustNotTermFilter);

List<Object> shouldList = obtainTermFilterList( this .shouldTermFilter);

if (! this .rangeFilter.isEmpty()){

for (Map.Entry<String, Range> e: this .rangeFilter.entrySet()){

Map<String, Object> rangeMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Object> rangeEntityMap = new HashMap<>();

rangeEntityMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().toMap());

rangeMap.put(Constant.range, rangeEntityMap);




if (! this .matchFilter.isEmpty()){

this .matchFilter.forEach(

(key, match) -> {

Map<String, String> matchEntityMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Map> matchMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Map> subMatchMap = new HashMap<>();

matchEntityMap.put(Constant.query, match.getQuery());

matchEntityMap.put(Constant.should_minum, match.getMinimumShouldMatch());

matchMap.put(key, matchEntityMap);

subMatchMap.put(Constant.match, matchMap);




boolMap.put(Constant.must, mustList);

if (!mustNotList.isEmpty())

boolMap.put(Constant.mustNot, mustNotList);

if (!shouldList.isEmpty()) {

// 有 minimum_should_match 不带过滤器

boolMap.put(Constant.should, shouldList);

boolMap.put(Constant.should_minum, shouldMatchMinimum);

queryMap.put(Constant.bool, boolMap);


else {

if (isNeedFilterLayer) {

filterMap.put(Constant.bool, boolMap);

filteredMap.put(Constant.filter, filterMap);

queryMap.put(Constant.filtered, filteredMap);


else {

queryMap.put(Constant.bool, boolMap);



finalQuery.put(Constant.query, queryMap);

Map<String, Object> orderMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Object> orderItem = new HashMap<>();

if (order != null && orderBy != null ){

orderItem.put(Constant.order, this .order);

orderMap.put( this .orderBy, orderItem);

finalQuery.put(Constant.sort, orderMap);


Map<String,Object> source = new HashMap<>();

if (!includes.isEmpty()) {

source.put(Constant.includes, this .includes);


if (!excludes.isEmpty()) {

source.put(Constant.excludes, this .excludes);


if (!source.isEmpty()) {

finalQuery.put(Constant.source, source);


finalQuery.put(Constant.size, this .size);

if (from != null ) {

finalQuery.put(Constant.from, from.intValue());


return JSON.toJSONString(finalQuery);


public List<Object> obtainTermFilterList(Map<String, Object> termFilter) {

List<Object> termFilterList = new ArrayList<>();

for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e: termFilter.entrySet()){

Map<String, Object> termMap = new HashMap<>();

Map<String, Object> itemMap = new HashMap<>();

itemMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

if (e.getValue() instanceof List){

termMap.put(Constant.terms, itemMap);

} else {

termMap.put(Constant.term, itemMap);




return termFilterList;


public String getOrderBy() {

return orderBy;


public void setOrderBy(String orderBy) {

this .orderBy = orderBy;


public String getOrder() {

return order;


public void setOrder(String order) {

this .order = order;


public int getSize() {

return size;


public void setSize( int size) {

this .size = size;


public Integer getFrom() {

return from;


public void setFrom(Integer from) {

this .from = from;


public Map<String, Object> getTermFilter() {

return Collections.unmodifiableMap(termFilter);


public Map<String, Range> getRangeFilter() {

return Collections.unmodifiableMap(rangeFilter);


public Map<String, Object> getMustNotTermFilter() {

return Collections.unmodifiableMap(mustNotTermFilter);


public Map<String, Object> getShouldTermFilter() {

return Collections.unmodifiableMap(shouldTermFilter);


public Map<String, Match> getMatchFilter() {

return matchFilter;


public void setShouldMatchMinimum(Integer shouldMatchMinimum) {

this .shouldMatchMinimum = shouldMatchMinimum;


public Integer getShouldMatchMinimum() {

return shouldMatchMinimum;


public Map<String, Object> getRangeMap(String key) {

return Collections.unmodifiableMap(rangeFilter.get(key).toMap());


public List<String> getIncludes() {

return Collections.unmodifiableList(includes);


public boolean isNeedFilterLayer() {

return isNeedFilterLayer;


public void setNeedFilterLayer( boolean needFilterLayer) {

isNeedFilterLayer = needFilterLayer;



public boolean equals(Object o) {

// for you to write



public int hashCode() {

// for you to write



通过ES搜索示例,展示了如何运用注解自动化处理领域对象属性与底层ES存储字段之间的对应关系。实际上,如果想为应用对象或组件添加某种说明或注释,不妨先想想是否可以通过注解自动化处理。注解亦可用于框架自动处理对象与组件的集成。Spring框架的Resource, Component, AOP,以及 Plugin 化设计思想等都是好的应用例子。


文章标题:使用 Java 注解自动化处理对应关系实现注释代码化


关于作者: 智云科技




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