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[GO语言]Golang String字符串的操作大全

字符串是不可变值类型,内部用指针指向 UTF-8 字节数组。

• 默认值是空字符串 ""。• 用索引号访问某字节,如 s[i]。• 不能用序号获取字节元素指针,&s[i] 非法。 • 不可变类型,无法修改字节数组。• 字节数组尾部不包含 NULL。

使用索引号访问字符 (byte)。

package mainfunc main() {    s := "abc"    println(s[0] == 'x61', s[1] == 'b', s[2] == 0x63)}


true true true

使用 " ` " 定义不做转义处理的原始字符串,支持跨行。

package mainfunc main() {    s := `abrnx00c`    println(s)}



连接跨行字符串时,"+" 必须在上一行末尾,否则导致编译错误。

package mainimport (    "fmt")func main() {    s := "Hello, " +        "World!"    // s2 := "Hello, "    // +"World!"     //./main.go:11:2: invalid operation: + untyped string    fmt.Println(s)}

支持用两个索引号 ([]) 返回子串。 串依然指向原字节数组,仅修改了指针和 度属性。

package mainimport (    "fmt")func main() {    s := "Hello, World!"    s1 := s[:5]  // Hello    s2 := s[7:]  // World!    s3 := s[1:5] // ello    fmt.Println(s, s1, s2, s3)}


Hello, World! Hello World! ello

单引号字符常量表示 Unicode Code Point, 持 uFFFF、U7FFFFFFF、xFF 格式。
对应 rune 类型,UCS-4。

package mainimport (    "fmt")func main() {    fmt.Printf("%Tn", 'a')    var c1, c2 rune = 'u6211', '们'    println(c1 == '我', string(c2) == "xe4xbbxac")}


int32    // rune 是 int32 的别名 true true

要修改字符串,可先将其转换成 []rune 或 []byte,完成后再转换为 string。无论哪种转换,都会重新分配内存,并复制字节数组。

package mainfunc main() {    s := "abcd"    bs := []byte(s)    bs[1] = 'B'    println(string(bs))    u := "电脑"    us := []rune(u)    us[1] = '话'    println(string(us))}



for 循环遍历字符串时,也有 byte 和 rune 两种方式。

package mainimport (    "fmt")func main() {    s := "abc汉字"    for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { // byte        fmt.Printf("%c,", s[i])    }    fmt.Println()    for _, r := range s { // rune        fmt.Printf("%c,", r)    }    fmt.Println()}




[GO语言]Golang String字符串的操作大全



package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world"    res0 := strings.HasPrefix(str, "http://")    res1 := strings.HasPrefix(str, "hello")    fmt.Printf("res0 is %vn", res0)    fmt.Printf("res1 is %vn", res1)}


res0 is falseres1 is true


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world"    res0 := strings.HasSuffix(str, "http://")    res1 := strings.HasSuffix(str, "world")    fmt.Printf("res0 is %vn", res0)    fmt.Printf("res1 is %vn", res1)}


res0 is falseres1 is true


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world"    res0 := strings.Index(str, "o")    res1 := strings.Index(str, "i")    fmt.Printf("res0 is %vn", res0)    fmt.Printf("res1 is %vn", res1)}


res0 is 4res1 is -1


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world"    res0 := strings.LastIndex(str, "o")    res1 := strings.LastIndex(str, "i")    fmt.Printf("res0 is %vn", res0)    fmt.Printf("res1 is %vn", res1)}


res0 is 7res1 is -1


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world world"    res0 := strings.Replace(str, "world", "golang", 2)    res1 := strings.Replace(str, "world", "golang", 1)    //trings.Replace("原字符串", "被替换的内容", "替换的内容", 替换次数)    fmt.Printf("res0 is %vn", res0)    fmt.Printf("res1 is %vn", res1)}


res0 is hello golang golangres1 is hello golang world


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world world"    countTime0 := strings.Count(str, "o")    countTime1 := strings.Count(str, "i")    fmt.Printf("countTime0 is %vn", countTime0)    fmt.Printf("countTime1 is %vn", countTime1)}


countTime0 is 3countTime1 is 0

重复 n 次 str

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world "    res0 := strings.Repeat(str, 0)    res1 := strings.Repeat(str, 1)    res2 := strings.Repeat(str, 2)    // strings.Repeat("原字符串", 重复次数)    fmt.Printf("res0 is %vn", res0)    fmt.Printf("res1 is %vn", res1)    fmt.Printf("res2 is %vn", res2)}


res0 is res1 is hello world res2 is hello world hello world 

str 转为大写

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world "    res := strings.ToUpper(str)    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}



str 转为小写

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "HELLO WORLD "    res := strings.ToLower(str)    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}


res is hello world 

去掉 str 首尾的空格

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "     hello world     "    res := strings.TrimSpace(str)    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hi , hello world , hi"    res := strings.Trim(str, "hi")    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}


res is  , hello world , 


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hi , hello world , hi"    res := strings.TrimLeft(str, "hi")    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}


res is  , hello world , hi


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hi , hello world , hi"    res := strings.TrimRight(str, "hi")    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}


res is hi , hello world , 


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world ,hello golang"    res := strings.Fields(str)    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}


res is [hello world ,hello golang]

返回str 指定字符分隔的所有子串的slice

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := "hello world ,hello golang"    res := strings.Split(str, "o")    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)}


res is [hell  w rld ,hell  g lang]

用指定字符将 string 类型的 slice 中所有元素链接成一个字符串

package mainimport (    "fmt"    "strings")func main() {    str := []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "golang"}    res := strings.Join(str, "++")    fmt.Printf("res is %vn", res)    /*        num := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}        res1 := strings.Join(num, "++")        //  cannot use num (type []int) as type []string in argument to strings.Join        fmt.Println(res1)    */}


res is hello++world++hello++golang


文章标题:[GO语言]Golang String字符串的操作大全


关于作者: 智云科技




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