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JWT: 使用JWT+PHP实现登录认证

首先了解一下什么是JWT?JWT是一个简单的PHP的第三方库,用于在PHP中编码和解码JSON WEB令牌jwt 。一般用composer来管理依赖关系 使用composer require firebase/php-jwt来安装这个库(详见 php-jwt库: )






5、服务端验证这个token token正确就返回数据 token错误就返回错误信息

start 首先我们需要一个html表单用于后台的登录

<div id= “showpage” style= “display: none” >

<div class= “form-group” >

<label for= “username” > 用户名 </label>

<input type= “text” class= “form-control” id= “username” placeholder= “请输入用户名” >


<div class= “form-group” >

<label for= “password” > 密码 </label>

<input type= “password” class= “form-control” id= “password” placeholder= “请输入密码” >


<button type= “submit” id= “sub-btn” class= “btn btn-default” > 登录 </button> <br/>

<p class= “bg-warning” style= “padding: 10px;” > 演示用户名和密码都是 <code> demo </code></p>


<div id= “user” style= “display: none” >

<p> 欢迎 <strong id= “uname” >

</strong> ,您已登录, <a href= “javascript:;” id= “logout” > 退出>> </a>



// 使用axios库

<script src=”#34;></script>


let jwt = localStorage.getItem(‘jwt’);

// token 保存在localstorage里面 判断有没有token

if (jwt) {

axios.defaults.headers.common[‘X-token’] = jwt;


.then(function (response) {

if (response.data.result === ‘success’) {

document.querySelector(‘#showpage’).style.display = ‘none’;

document.querySelector(‘#user’).style.display = ‘block’;

document.querySelector(‘#uname’).innerHTML = response.data.info.data.username;

} else {

document.querySelector(‘#showpage’).style.display = ‘block’;




.catch(function (error) {



} else {

document.querySelector(‘#showpage’).style.display = ‘block’;


document.querySelector(“#sub-btn”).onclick = function(){

let username = document.querySelector(“#username”).value;

let password = document.querySelector(“#password”).value;

var params = new URLSearchParams();







.then(response) => {

if(response.data.result === ‘success’){

// 本地存储token


// 把token存储到header里面

axios.defaults.headers.common[‘X-token’] = response.data.jwt;


if(response.data.result === ‘success’){

document.querySelector(“#showpage”).style.display = ‘none’;

document.querySelector(“#user”).style.display = ‘block’;

document.querySelector(“#uname”).innerHTML = response.data.info.data.username;


















date_default_timezone_set(“PRC”); //系统使用北京时间

require ‘vendor/autoload.php’;

use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;

// 私有的密钥

define(‘KEY’, ‘1gHuiop975cdashyex9Ud23ldsvm2Xq’);

// header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*’);

$res[‘result’] = ‘failed’;

$action = isset($_GET[‘action’]) ? $_GET[‘action’] : ”;

if ($action == ‘login’) {


$username = htmlentities($_POST[‘user’]);

$password = htmlentities($_POST[‘pass’]);

if ($username == ‘demo’ && $password == ‘demo’) { //用户名和密码正确,则签发tokon

$nowtime = time();

$token = [

‘iss’ => ‘#39;, //签发者

‘aud’ => ‘#39;, //jwt所面向的用户

‘iat’ => $nowtime, //签发时间

‘nbf’ => $nowtime + 10, //在什么时间之后该jwt才可用

‘exp’ => $nowtime + 600, //过期时间-10min

‘data’ => [

‘userid’ => 1,

‘username’ => $username



// 生成token

$jwt = JWT::encode($token, KEY);

$res[‘result’] = ‘success’;

$res[‘jwt’] = $jwt;

} else {

$res[‘msg’] = ‘用户名或密码错误!’;



echo json_encode($res);

} else {

$jwt = isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_TOKEN’]) ? $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_TOKEN’] : ”;

if (empty($jwt)) {

$res[‘msg’] = ‘You do not have permission to access.’;

echo json_encode($res);



try {

JWT::$leeway = 60;

$decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, KEY, [‘HS256’]);

$arr = (array)$decoded;

if ($arr[‘exp’] < time()) {

$res[‘msg’] = ‘请重新登录’;

} else {

$res[‘result’] = ‘success’;

$res[‘info’] = $arr;


} catch(Exception $e) {

$res[‘msg’] = ‘Token验证失败,请重新登录’;


echo json_encode($res);


用户每次请求都要带上后端签发的token,后端获取请求中的token,PHP中使用 $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_TOKEN’] 就可以获取token值。这个 X_TOKEN 就是在我们前端的请求header头信息中。




文章标题:JWT: 使用JWT+PHP实现登录认证


关于作者: 智云科技




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